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Monday, April 7, 2008

Murray vs Joe -- Unanue Drops Out, Crowley Won't Run

It it the PhD in Economics vs the Bada Bing Dentist! Murray Sabrin's only opponent in the NJ Republican Senate primary is Joe "put the homeless in military camps" Pennacchio!

Joe has no money, no name recognition but he was the founder of the Nationalist Party -- and in his manifesto he has ideas similar to the National Socialist Party. So Joe naturally has the fascist vote but he does say his ideas have "evolved" since his manifesto. (Mein Kampf was also just due to Adolf's adolescence.)

Because Murray is a long time friend of Ron Paul and has fought against the Federal Reserver for 30 years, he is obviously the most qualified person we could have in the U.S. Senate. He'd get us answers to what the private Federal Reserve Corporation does behind closed doors although they don't inform the Banking Committee.

April 28th is Murray's Money day and we'll be launching all the sites soon. Plus Ron Paul himself will be in the NYC-area giving a speech at a rally for Murray and hosting a private $2300/ticket. Donate anything you can on the 28th and we'll make history to elect the first Ron Paul Republican, Federal Reserve fighting Austrian Economist to the United States Senate.


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